At present, Loyalty360 has 15 brands going through the six-part process as part a proof of concept for our CX and Loyalty standards, with 10 more slated to begin in July. All of the brands going through are members of Loyalty360 and are helping shape the process at a senior level within those organizations.
The process is comprised of 6 sections: Engagement Strategy, Customer Experience Strategy, Performance Management Metrics, Customer Insights, Organizational Commitment, and Operational Excellence. These areas will allow brands (for the first time) to get a detailed understanding of metrics, standards, and benchmarks both within and across industries and will eventually allow training and certifications for brands to better understand how they measure up against one another.
The six-part process will have hundreds of KPIs and key data points from a variety of brands. We will be disclosing the first 25 brands who are going through the process in early August 2017. You can download the first section below in the attached Excel spreadsheet.
We would love to have your comments in regard to potential additions to the document. Please feel free to send all feedback to
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Loyalty360 CX and Loyalty Standards Process
There is a critical market need for an accredited and member-driven, third-party organization to create a series of standardizations and measurements to help brands better understand customer experience (CX) and customer loyalty.
As the association for customer loyalty, Loyalty360 is working to create a series of standardizations and measurements regarding definitions, metrics, best practices, training procedures, and continuing education processes to allow brands to facilitate and enhance stakeholder engagement with consumers, employees and executives.
This initiative will also help brands objectively understand industry best practices and, in turn, what they too should be considering. Such a customer-facing standard of loyalty and CX will finally allow brands to effectively communicate their mission and ability to put the customer first in a tangible way. Furthermore, it will help brands implement the training and continuing education required to keep up with changing customer expectations, and to understand which new technologies will best advance CX and loyalty goals.
As an upcoming benefit to members of our association, Loyalty360 is seeking to solve these issues through a new initiative. In collaboration with our Board of Advisors and Advisory Panel, we are in the process of developing a series of certification standards, metrics, and training that will allow participants to demonstrate to customers, fellow organizations, and internal constituencies alike that they represent true customer centricity.
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